God is trying to kill me.
I say this not out of supposition but out of fact. Also, this is notthe ramblings of a paranoid mind.
After listing to the Christian radio stations and television shows. I have come to this conclusion.
Every show I listen to talks about God’s plan for me, how God will guide me, how the bad things that happen are His tests for me to overcome and grow in faith from. And that if I follow his lead I will attain peace.
Now, if God plans the events in my life both major and minor, and I believe my death to be a major event in my life, q.e.d. God right now is planning my death. Not only that, he is setting a sequence of events in motion that will insure my passing from this life.
Therefore, God is trying to kill all of us!!!!! Four hurricanes hit Florida! FOUR !!!! What’s next Locusts?
The problem is even if we stick together, He can still get us. Flu? small pox? Hah!! He's got NUKES !!!
We’re all doomed !!! Aaaarrrgghhh!!!!!
(I feel better now).