I will be posting updates on the progress of my little 3rd party mod that aims to add the Borg as a full faction
for SoA 2
Current Ships and Stations
Capital Ships
Queens Diamond (will update textures and need to sort out weapon hardpoints)
Borg Cube (Finished)

Tactical Cube (Finished)

I am only goin to give the borg 3 capital ships, due to the fact they are really really expensive, you wont see that many, so for this reason i am only goin to have 3 capital ships
Coffin (Is now a cruiser no longer a frigate)

Advanced Sphere

Scout Sphere (This ship is now the borgs scout and light frigate)

Long Range Torpedo ship (need to fix the shaders only)

Planet Assimilation Ship (Colony Ship, will colonise unowned planets and assimilate populated ones)
Maybe one other ship
All borg ships will if you so wish transmit this message 
“we are the Borg lower your shields and surrender your ships we will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own, your culture will adapt to service us RESISTANCE IS FUTILE”
as its set to an ability i may also make it disable somestuff or make it so it has an negative effect on enemy ships (note long cool down to prevent spamming of this message
Borg Ship / Station Assimilation Ability -- All capital ships will have this ability only (Long cooldown)
Borg Planatary Assimilation -- All capital ships will have this ability and the planet assimilation ship (Long cooldown)
Borg Space Stations ( i will post pictures as i get them done)
Borg Outpost (pic below )(Fires a borg "laser" beam only)

Borg Unimatrix (this will be added when entrenchment comes out) you will need a pretty big fleet to take this out
tho i may limit it to 1 per game (somehow)
Borg Shipyards (noidea about these yet)(ideas welcome)
Transwarp Conduit (acts like vasari phasegate) (updated) finished (post below expains this more and a possible insane version of the vasari RA perhaps ^^)

Transwarp Hub (a smaller version of this massive station, the borg SW, allows the borg to open a transwarp aperture anywhere on the map regardless if the planet / grav well has a transwarp conduit) Scary thought 
Torpedo Turret ?? ( i may just give the borg outpost both torpedos and lasers) you views on this?
those are all i really have planned out atm and have ideas for
I am also currently adding in borg sounds
IF anyone wishes to help me please contact me, i am really in need of some effects (i have noidea how to use particle forge) so if anyone is willing to make some for me or has any i could use please let me know
of course you will be given full credit etc
and ofc if anyone has any sound files, voice/ speach files or w.e it would also be nice to hear from you 
But please don’t get your hopes up just yet as I have quite a bit to do yet and I need to balance the Borg too so.... it will be done when its done or at the very earliest some time after SoA 0.3 is out so I could balance it to that

Borg Ship Line up is as follows / Assimilation Capabilites of Borg Ships
Scout Sphere
Borg Probe (uses borg coffin model) ( can assimilate other frigates / cruisers 65% chance of assimilation faliure, untill research has been done reducing the chance of failure to 55%)
Planet Assimilator (can assimilate and populate planets assimilation has a 50% chance of failure on populated worlds, untill research has been done to improve it)
Borg Coffin (light Cruiser) ( can assimilate other frigates / cruisers 50% chance of assimilation faliure, untill research has been done reducing the chance of failure to 40%)
Advanced Sphere (medium Cruiser) ( can assimilate other frigates / cruisers 45% chance of assimilation faliure, untill research has been done reducing the chance of failure to 35%)
Diamond (Heavy Cruiser) ( can assimilate other frigates / cruisers 40% chance of assimilation faliure, untill research has been done reducing the chance of failure to 30%)
Capital Ships
Cube ( can assimilate other frigates / cruisers / Stations and Planets 20% chance of assimilation faliure, untill research has been done reducing the chance of failure to 10% on ships / stations, Planatary assimilation has a 25% chance of failure untill research has been done reducing it all the way to 0%)
Tactical Cube (same as cube)
More Updates will follow soon with new ships / stations shown
I said above this will be a 3rd party add-on for SoA 2
I will update this as I have more stuff to say and show