Hm, having a problem... not sure what happened, but I started my usual map (A modified version of the Huge Multistar) and, zooming out from my Desert Home after doing a bit of ship construction, the game stopped. No minidump, just crashed. If anybody could link me the 1.1x developers version, if that exists, then I'll see if I can find what the problem is.
It happened twice in a row... might have something to do with starting the construction on ships? I was playing as Advent both times, started by building my resource collectors, then a cap factory + colonizer cap, then a colony frigate and four scouts. Shortly after doing this, on both ventures, it crashed, though it may be unrelated.
Trying the same thing on an unmodified map yeilded the same results... so, I'm assuming it has nothing to do with my modifications, though perhaps it is something with random planets? Although, I tried it a fourth time on Areolian Sector, and had no problems, so that may not be it.
My final deduction is that it's something to do with the number of planets, combined perhaps with the initial number of AI, although some got eliminated on spawn on my modified map (Spacial anomolies and whatnot) so I am not sure. At any rate, I am able to play on non-Random Huge maps, so I will be contented until my problem is found out. Beyond that, loving the mod thus far!
Also, pardon if this seems a bit sporadic, I was typing between crashes as opposed to editing it each time.
Final note; just a couple bugs I've noticed that has hung on from the previous version, I'm missing some bits from the Empire Window. There's no blocks representing the ships/structures on a planet when it's compressed, if you take my meaning. Also, the backdrop for the hostiles around a planet disappears when I run my mouse over it.