Microphasing Aura is the Vasari carrier's ability to teleport fighters, right?
If so, at level 1 it has a 20% chance every 4 seconds to teleport. At level 2 it's 30% chance every 4 seconds, and at level 3 it's 30% chance every 3 seconds.
Bit of an odd progression, but there you have it.
Thanks for the info!
read up on the marzda.... missle barrage is not overpowered. you can distrupt the ability by disabling the cap. its hall points are also relatively low, so are the shields, so its easy to focus fire as well. not to mention, if you allow it to get up to lvl 6, and dont make it a priority to eleminate, and you dont disable the ability when its casted, then you deserve losing your fleet. it needs other ships for support in order to survive in battle such as the hoshkios or the dunov.
Yeah, missile barrage is interuptable, but it becomes a huge problem when the enemy gets several Marzas. You may be able to counter one of the Marzas but not all and then your fleet is gone. My suggestion is not to nerf it, but to simply make it synergistic like the advent abilities.