For completely ruining this game and making it into a spammer's heaven.
Thing is, before carriers people spammed lrms. People will always spam something - you will never get away from that. Period. That's this game, and that's every other game. If carriers are nerfed, there will be a new spam. Now, that doesn't mean carriers shouldn't be nerfed (perhaps they should be, perhaps they shouldn't be). It's simply to say that you should just mentally prepare yourself for spam of some kind. If it isn't carrier spam it will be lrms, heavy cruisers, or if all of those entities are nerfed, then light frigates. In entrenchment beta, complaints were roaring about mine spam. Next, who knows.
I'd recommend you try to cultivate a minimal taste for spam, if for no other reason than simply to preserve your sanity. Go out and buy a can of it - seriously. Fry it up in a pan. Try to doctor it up a little, whether it's with a little ketchup, some onions, whatever. Throw it between a couple slices of bread and choke it down. Do this several times and you might at least train yourself to overcome the vomit reflex, LOL.