A very simple Picture I made to celebrate Entrechment... Hope yall like it.
Here is another picture:
Nice kinda funny, getting in the spirit for the release eh?
Yeah, its was late last night or this moring...I dont remember. Was watching a moive and a line inspired me to attempt to make this. It took me a whole lot longer that I thought. Since everyone is pumped up for Entrenchment. I thought I share it.
Lol, i m rethinking about getting entrenchment, I think i might just have a bit at it
If you're a turtle like me, it's a dream come true!
thank you for this photo!
Oh your most welcome! I know it not the most epic shot.
I made another one. Hope you like it also.
Lol defend from the SINS of others
lol, I think the advent and Vasari are just as guilty. If not more.....
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