What's New In Entrenchment?
I’m getting non-stop questions from people wondering “What’s new in Entrenchment?” and I can’t blame them. They are justified in asking because there is no single place to find an easily digestible list of the new material. My excuse is that I felt the change logs were more than sufficient however when I was brought back to reality I realized how impossible it would be for anyone not in the beta to make heads or tails of those logs (you can view them below). You all deserve a higher level perspective on what Entrenchment brings to the table. So until the manual is complete, here is my attempt at correcting the problem:
1. Gameplay Example: If you like, you can start with a sample of Entrenchment gameplay written up by Brad Wardell of Stardock that includes lots of great screenshots illustrating his comments. This can be found here: Gameplay Example
2. Feature List: This list is lifted directly from our internal feature list. It’s not nearly as detailed as the change logs but it covers a lot of the behind the scenes and non-unit related material that wouldn’t be covered in the next topic. Check it out here: Feature List
3. New Unit Basics and Tips: This certainly isn’t all encompassing but it’ll give you a feel for the categories of the new toys, what their function is and I give a few tips on how I like to use them. I’ll probably flush this out more over time. Check it out here: Unit Basics and Tips
4. Detailed Change Logs: If you are insane or just insatiably curious and what to know every last detail of what’s new in Entrenchment, check out the complete change logs in each of these links:
Beta 1: https://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/333299
Beta 2: https://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/?aid=337896
Beta 2.5: https://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/338638
Beta 3.0: https://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/340287
Final 1.0: https://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/341103