It has been very frustrating to see the great many posts claiming flak is worthless and can't counter carriers. Several players I know as well as myself have tried to explain that flak does work and cuts down on the strikecraft numbers, but some people don't seem to believe us and occasionally make sensationalistic claims about flak being worthless and carriers being overpowered.
So, I present a couple demonstrations of the Power of Flak. I have actually been using Flak a lot in the last few days, very successfully I might add. Both of these games are good examples: I was under a lot of pressure early, was outnumbered, and had to fight to gain the advantage. Take a look and you will see that I use flak to successfully counter Carriers.....and Long Range Frigs, Basic Frigs, Heavy Cruisers, Capital Ships, and small Starbases.
These are Entrenchment Replays v1.01
Notice how dangerous Vasari is early game when they get some neutrals and go straight for the kill!
I'm Barnaby in this game. What can I say, I was testing out flak.
So please, don't nerf those poor carriers any more. The balance is just fine right now!
PS. Don't suicide your flak frigates on a Starbase or HC fleet and cry to me about it. This isn't the purpose of flak -- I was just doing it for fun.