I was thinking today about the Shattered Suns game that was such a disappointment, and i know we have talked here about having planets rotate, or a moveable solar system or galaxy. And while such ideas are interesting it always seemed there were too many variables, too much strain on the engine, or the graphical movement would throw off the combat system. But it came to me, haha, watching a planet rotate as my scouts went about their scouting, that if the skybox moved, even very very slowly, it would give the impression of the system moving, and would, being only a single entity, be a lot less strain on the engine or graphics card, and would not throw off the combat system as for all practical purposes the planets and stars are in the same relative position and the game, or the computer doesnt have to calculate any new trajectories or alignments or anything. Well the skybox would, but it could be set on a fixed incremental schedule. 
Any thoughts on this, and i know i may be crazy for asking, but do the Devs think this has any merit, and wont break the budget or the game?
Thank you for listening,