Hello I´m the clan leader of this new clan and I would gladly fight anyone,
We are hear and hear for good everyone in our clan players at least 6 games a day and we are getting stronger for every day.
And by the way sometimes people have bad games and one of our players were using the match to come up with a new strategy we are trying to come up with new revolutionizing ways of playing and at the moment a clan site is being produces. We are also going to start a clan tournament in the future, we are looking for sponsors. That is only one thing that we are doing at the moment.
If you could say that the BIA members a re playing 6 games a day I would be surprised because you are never online the only player that were online the most in bia were Baltazzor and King of kings and howler the rest is just never around. Sunny is playing a loot to but I have not seen reborn at al playing.
So the new clan is hear to stay!
We are the clan that is playing most of everyone at the moment and we are working on our team skills. We would gladly play BIA now tomorrow any day.
We have at the moment 6 really strong members.
Well that is it for me now.
This is a message from GOD