It does matter. You don't see phase stabilizers too much around in normal multiplayer because it is hardly useful until the game is already won - then it is just a gadget. Its position on the tech tree is important. If Stabilizers were useful to allies, they would definately feed to make the Vasari build them. Vasari would be reduced to a taxi corporation in the first 20 minutes.
You perceive the Vasari through the scope of a TEC player. News flash - there is much more to Vasari than is shown in multiplayer games. MP games favor spamming stuff, brutal simple tactics. Phase stabilization is not one of them, it is hardly helpful or worth the price unless the map is insanely huge or there is some very prolonged stalemate at a frontline spanning over many GWs.
okay so?
You reasoned that TEC can support the Vasari very well by novalithing their enemy's worlds and that Kostura can't. It can't blow the planet, it will blow whatever you're fighting there. it wont... it disables them true, but im not going to get into it because its not relevant
The Vasari flies and egg through the not-yet-fortified-by-anyone system and colonizes a planet between his ISOLATED ALLY's planets. That way, his isolated ally is no longer isolated, anything the whole team has can be brought to aid the guy.
are you talking about a single star map or a multi? anyway, yeah so? that would be the point. if they didnt have that, whats to stop the other empire bringing all it has to bear and crushing him early game? i mean, if one player is so isolated that hes going to get swamped by enemies... why would he want to keep playing? yes, he could hang around and provide a feed, but surely he's not going to last long. thats not my idea of fun, and i dont think its anyone elses either. still, with the possibility of dropping a starbase with a phase gate, this point become somewhat moot. valid, but not one for concession.
Don't live your dreams yet. You can, as long as you have fleet supply. Right now, when only Vasari can bring their fleet around, they can throw a one-player worth of fleet to defend their ass.
THAT DOESN'T MEAN THEY HAVE TO THROW EVERY FVCKIN CRUISER AND SCOUT AT THE HANDFUL OF SHIPS YOU SEND IN THEIR REAR YOU IGNORANT so stop crafting theory on how you're gonna attack their underfended frontlines. They can respond however they want to, they won't leave their front worlds undefended. And even if they do, they will be back in another 30 seconds.
im not living on my dreams, i know its only while there is fleet supply, you, however, were hailing that as THE thing that balances the vasari being able to move ships around their empire in 1 jump. funny thing is, i take your arguements and definition and use them myself so we can at least agree on some points, funny thing is when i take what you say you turn around and cry OH BUT I DIDNT MEAN THAT. boo hoo, pick a side and stick to it.
well, i dont know about you, but when i attack an enemy, 90% of the time i throw everything i have into the attack. he already has home turf advantage, with SB's, mines and defenses, culture, short supply lines and more. i dont really have the luxury to leave ships at home. and, even with SB's etc 2500 fleet supply is alot of hostiles. i am talking about max fleet supplies, because if i tried to account for every single possible fleet configuration and strength, research levels, culture levels, other activities going on atm (pirate attacks included) superweapon attacks, whether they bring a SB constructor to the battle, etc etc. im talking generically. but, the fact is, if i throw everything i have at you, you are going to need throw alot back. honestly i dont remember the last time i lost more than 5 or 6 ships when going up against a Starbase, and, like you keep screaming, i can replace them very quickly as TEC.
Secondly, which you utterly fail to understand, the point here is: If a rear world of a 2TEC & Advent alliance is attacked, only the owner can quickly respond, the others not only have to build fleets nearby (even if they all had resources for a new fleet) but they would have to send them across many systems to reach the point of invasion.
If your suggestion passed, the enemy alliance with a Vasari player would be able to jump a 2-player worth fleet into a weakly defended rear system (which you could NOT reinforce with enough ships, since one player has only so much fleet supply), annihilate it in 50 seconds and (before anyone even farts in your TEC&Advent alliance) be back to repel any counterstrikes.
how can even the owner respond quickly? if you pick the furthest point from as many large fleets as possible, then not even the owners of the planet in question could respond in time. though, if a fleet is in position to respond quickly, but still on the frontlines, then chances are a friendly fleet is just one more jump away.
you see, im not sure what rules you are playing by. half the time, you are saying Advent and TEC can just build a new fleet, the other half of the time you are saying OMG you idiot that only works if you have fleet supply you noob waah waah. far out, pick one. i mean, when it suits you, advent and tec can whip up a fleet, when it doesnt, you turn upside down and start arguing against your own points. id really like to put you infront of a mirror and see you drive yourself crazy.
i mean, you say that a backyard invasion by just a vasari player can be repelled, but suddenly 2 players makes it uncounterable? (oh, and btw, you snapped at me for talking about max fleet supplies, and now you are talking about max fleet supplies... its hard to take you seriously when you cant get your own story straight) yes, 2 empires worth of fleet supply would be damn near uncounterable (an Argonev big red button could help though...) but then you have 2 empires largely undefended. yes, you may be back in 50 seconds, but as soon as you attack me, i force the breach and take a couple of your planets. you scratch my back i scratch yours.
if im not mistaken Phase stabilisers take 10 tac spots right? thats a helluva lot to put on every other world. and if you reply with the orkulus can act as a phase stabiliser, sure, but thats even more expensive, and once its gone, or still cooling down (2 mins on 5 mins off if im not mistaken?) then you have to jump further away than is optimal. but seriously, you think you can jump into one of my systems, take it out, and jump back in time to defend against counter strikes by my forces which are only one jump away? you are delusional mate. really.
are you getting angry? great
All of this is void. You utterly don't understand how phase gating works and you completely forget the defenders would use it. I don't intend to waste half an hour on bashing you here if you just don't make sense.
what the hell are you talking about? im talking about firing a kostura at planet X, using the temp phase gate there to jump in a small fleet of ships, either seige frigs or assault crusiers or whatever. bring a migrator and drop a SB (or, if you dont have the cash, bring a marauder) upgrade with phase gates and jump back out. tell me, what have i completely forgot? if anything, you forgot your fleet has been tied up by my full strength attacking fleets at both sides of your GW. every ship you take from one battle makes it that much easier to win. so you say your allies chime in with reinforcements, okay, and what about my allies? they're just sitting around right? they either come to my aid or are busy attacking your allies. im not forgetting anything, read it until you understand, or else get someone to explain it in itty bitty words for you.
yes, there is potential for it all to go horribly pearshaped. yes, this strategy could fail, but thats the point! if one fleet is not in position at the correct time, or gets unexpectedly or prematurely destroyed for whatever reason, then yeah, its possible the entire plan falls apart and you then counter attack and wipe the floor with me. but this exact strategy is possible now, just on a much smaller scale. instead of jumping 2 empires worth of fleet supply into your backyard, ill just jump in one, and just have my ally attack your front like he normally would. if you are vasari, then yeah, you can counter it, but if not, then you are in trouble. ahh, im sorry, i get it, this is one of those times you change the rules and dont tell anyone. you see, you are bashing this example, but then in this post you take this very example and use it against me... so... are you arguing for my team or yours? i appreciate the thought, but its kinda hard to argue a point when we are both saying the same thing?
Buahaha. So you are saying that you can't win a game without a Marza? That says it all about you. And the game's balance ;].
Comparing Phase gates to Marza spamming is a laugh.
Marza is a stupid ship that is the biggest AI abuser in this game, as no AI will ever counter it or run away from a barrage. If you think that using it against AI is even remotely related to any sort of fair play or balance, you're a fail.
i never said it was balanced, and ive said that many times, you just like to live in your own little world where selective hearing (or reading in this case) is the norm. and again, i never said i couldnt win A game without a marza, i said i probably couldnt win against 6 or more unfair AI without at least a few marzas. what i was comparing, jackass, is a unique ability. the vasari can move ships around quickly, the TEC can blow them up quickly. its pretty apparent you already think the TEC is inferior in just about every way to the Vasari, you are just upset that there is something they are good at. i mean, you have to (grudgingly) admit they need a good economy, otherwise they wouldnt be a threat at all, but at the first chance of the TEC being a REAL threat? actually making you have to work for it? this is another thing where you only focus on what applies to your arguement. The vasari can defeat 6 Unfair AI at once because they can move fleets around to all points of attack quickly. the TEC make up for this fantastic ability, by being able to build fleets quickly and cheaply, THAT is why its not unbalanced. oh, but but but its not AS good as the vasari because you cant build a fleet without fleet supply! hey, really, i dont care if its fair. its like saying, hey, look, they attacked me, but me dropping a nuke on them isnt really fair, so ill just send thousands of troops, alot of them to their deaths and millions of dollars/credits out the window. why? well, i want to be fair to them. do you realise how much of an idiot you sound like? im not playing for the sportsmanship, its a challenge, and im playing to win. and of course, the fact that Unfair AI already get bonuses to resource extraction etc doesnt factor into your idea of 'fairness' huh?
you yourself said you chose vasari because it gave you an advantage. one, that, funnily enough, isnt really duplicated by the AI, even on unfair. the AI isnt smart enough to do that, so yeah, you are such a champ mate, my idol for exploiting the AI and then laughing and doing a victory dance because i wanted to do the same as you (exploit the AI). real champion mate, its so hard to take you seriously because you challenge the world but then change the rules. whimp.
Phase gates are the equivalent of your Industrial Juggernaut and other production-boosting techs in conjunction with your fast Trade Ports and general abundance of cash, if anything. Try to win without THAT. Oh sorry, I forgot. You're the TEC. You can win the game with 15 Marza's alone and still think it is balanced.
its funny, you compare phase gates to industrial juggernaught, now who is the uneducated one? the ONLY tech the TEC have that actually speeds up ship production is a VERY expensive, 3-level tier SEVEN tech (Industrial Juggernaught) and the other 'production boosting tech' as you call it, only help with resource extraction/credit income, and those are:
1. seperate lines of research (metal crystal respectively) and,
2. located on tiers 4 and 6, with two prerequisites to even start researching
yes, there are a bunch of techs like favoured-client discounts and expedited permits, but those things dont actually affect how quickly you can build ships, and how many times do you really need to build a factory?
now the Vasari on the other hand, get a trade port level 3 (TEC get it level two *tear*) and resource sublimation (increased resource income) for BOTH resources comes level 2 and improved trade income comes level 5.
you get a level 7 tech that lowers the cost of all structures
and a level 3 tech that lowers the cost of ships
phase stabilisation comes at level 5, with an upgrade to phase jumping between stabilisers at level 7
as well as an upgrade to let you field more ships at level 6
plus free ships periodically at level 8, provided you have fleet supply. yes its level 8, but its free ships every once in a while depending how many stabilisers you have your could be getting reinforcements every few seconds.
now, im not saying the Vasari is better than the TEC at econ or production, im just making sure you know that phase stabilisation is NOT the balancing agent for TEC production capabilities. The Vasari have plenty of research to increase their production effeciency. i mean, with some of that research, the Vasari end up having 2875 fleet supply (on large fleet sizes)!
hey, aside from all the that extra tech, lets look at the two research items you named. Industrial Juggernaught and Phase Stabilisation:
Industrial Juggernaught = 3-level very expensive tier 7 tech,
Phase Stabilisation = 1-level slightly less expensive tier 5 tech.
hmm... yep, its all balance and fairness huh?
now this is where you argue "oh, but Vasari keep paying for phase gates because they have to be built" yeah, and TEC have to keep paying for ships as they get destroyed and replaced (or at least, from how you see the TEC)
its not fair. really, unless the TEC had maybe half again the fleet supply of the Vasari, and could simply scuttle and build a fleet in the time it takes a vasari fleet to jump across a star system, then yes, it would be fair... as it stands, its not, and you've said this yourself on a number on occasions, at those times when you feel it would be advantageous to debunk your own reasons for why the TEC can survive without phase gates.
Phase gating is a tech like any other on your tree. Using it is in no way wrong. Spamming one cap ship cause it can destroy 5million credits worth of a fleet because the AI is too stupid to counter that is a little different thing.
hold on, now you are saying its just another tech? what so its like immense cargo holds? ill get more money. ill be dead, but ill have a real swanky funeral. hey, if it ever comes down to the TEC run out of ammo and need to throw credits at the enemy, we'll be set. you of course dont think being able to jump in all your ships behind my starbases and mines is wrong huh? i mean, i have this custom map a friend of mine made. 4 players, one star, 30 planets to a player, linked to the star and fortified by a single pirate base, geographically symmetrical, real nice for a comp stop or turtle masher. there is the star, then the pirate base, then 2 more terran planets, then 3 asteroids. lets say you fortify all that with starbases, mines and defenses (where applicable) and station fleets around. how do you think im going to feel when you shoot my homeworld and jump in ALL your 2875 fleet supply, and totally bypass all my millions of credits worth of defenses?
yes, thats really fair.
A Vasari using his own phase gates to jump his own fleet into a single TEC's territory in a 1v1 game is FAIR. The TEC has an abundance of money and can build up in the gravwell one or two away from where the attack is made. He only has to counter one player's fleet. It's ok.
Now let's take two teams: Team V has Vasari, team N does Not.
All the N alliance can do in this situation is attack the Vasari's allies frontline in return. But the V team not only has a combined force ready, even if not as big as yours - they can have defenses set up, SBs, tactical structures. You are forced to attack a defensive position or be raped, which puts you into a disadvantage as you go.
first, choose a goddamn side, either the TEC can build a new fleet to counter or he cant. assuming by this stage he has the
general abundance of cash
you were talking about, he should be able to just keep spamming units and just setting them to rally in the GW under attack. i know its not a sufficient counter but meh. and really, whats stopping 5 vasari players from doing the exact same thing to an alliance of TEC/Advent? they cant stop it. really, the only difference is the vasari team doesnt have marza's and progens etc, but with the amount of Eggs im sure they are bringing to the table, plus the 5 SB's they are allowed to build in that GW, what could the TEC or Advent, or even another Vasari player do to counter it? you would need at least 2-3 Vasari players in any 5v5 match, just to counter the other vasari!!!
you probably dont know, being the vasari fanboy you are, but the TEC SB has an ability to whip up ships faster than even a factory. im not sure about Advent (i doubt it) but at least TEC allies can build up in each others empires. i agree though, its a problem. so we dont give allies access to kostura cannon temp gates or marauder temp gates. the vasari player has to build either a standard phase gate after colonising the planet, of a fully upgraded starbase (fully as in total phase tech research done) to balance it the second level of phase tech research could be slowed by a bit, giving a defending fleet time to rock up.
And yet again you forget that when I send 150% of what you send against me, your fleet is gonna be reduced to scrap metal in 2 minutes. Then all I have to do is leave a little to finish you off and jump wherever you attack next.
I can do guerilla too. And I can do it better, cause I can attack your homeworld, not only the front worlds.
And do you really think I will be at all surprised after seeing your fleets jump all along my frontline before you attack?
All your theory AGAIN seems to forget that the defenders have phase gates throughout the fight, not just to respond to the first attack. Your guerilla parties I can counter too, from anywhere I want.
so you think you send 150% of the fleet i send against you, and you are going to come out of it with the entire fleet remaining? are you daft? yes, ill probably be destroyed, thats the gambit. sacrifice that fleet to get a foot hold in your empire. so, now you jump out with 50% (and im being conservative, not considering my OP missile barrage that nevertheless will drill you) less than the fleet you jumped in with, then you move else where, you may not exactly have the luxury of, once again, sending in 150% of what i send in. and you definitly cant send it everywhere i am. all it takes is 5 seige frigs at a lonely planet somewhere. sure, it may not be as important as losing your homeworld, or an artifact world, but with the weak vasari economy, even 1 planet could be a big loss. and you have to send enough ships to stop me, are you saying you are going to spend 10 tac slots to put a gate at EVERY single planet? thats like 10 turrets or 2 hangars and a repair platform or phase inhibitor. and if you use the starbase, do you really have the econ to drop a SB at every single planet?
my fleet will be scrap metal in 2 mins? with enough ships plus assault cruisers, i can turn plenty of your starbases into scrap.
haha, wait, you think im going to attack sequentially? you idiot, im going to attack all at once, or even start my main offensive then create a diversion. you cant pay attention to every ship that enters your territory. all it says is there are enemies headed for X. i could spam 10-15 scouts and have them hit your line all over the place, you wont know where im going, i could jump a large fleet into a particular GW, and you might see it if you happen to be zoomed out far enough at that point in time, and even so, how do you know i havent scuttled all the ships in that GW and re-built them in another GW? you dont know anything. just what you think you know. right now, im walking you through it. during a game i doubt you'd have the presence of mind to think about my next 5 moves. hey, as TEC i can novalith your planets. sure, you will still have defenses there, but the game wont tell you when my fleet is approaching. you'll have to keep an eye out until you can re-colonise. tell me, how are you going to get anything done or concentrate on anything if you are paranoid about where my attack is going to come from?
you can guerilla my homeworld? so the starbase and the mines and the strikecraft and the big red button arent going to give you any trouble huh? okay then. maybe the kostura knocks out mines, but there is still alot to keep you interested. however, yes, i agree, a vasari can very much jump into an enemy homeworld, disable his structures, wipe out a SB if there is one, then wipe out the planet itself. i agree completely. you still think its fair? the fact you can circumvent the already iffy planetary defenses with the press of a button, and then directly jump in a fleet to finish the job. you wouldnt have to use many ships either. a SB to take out mine, help put down the factories etc there, then go about mopping up the disabled mines while you attack my planet... and i cant even get ships there or build new ones, because if im not yet at my max fleet supply, there is every chance ill have to research more first, and then i have to build it in an adjacent system because the factorys at my homeworld are out of action for 3 mins.
and you complain about the MB... yes, so unfair, us TEC, man, we just spam this ship and take out all your fleet... really, i feel for you, it must be so hard. Ass
In a 5v5 fight it would really be retarded. One more TEC player gives some more money and production capacity for the team, while one Vasari player would give the WHOLE team an ability to be anywhere they want.
and again, so instead of having 5 vasari players, you only have one... well, advent battleball and marza aside... what else can allies bring? based on your arguements, a team of 5 vasari would be more effective than any number of marzas, because you can simply jump in all your fleet behind my lines, and i cant really do much, planetary defenses are down for three mins, i cant build new ships or bring in old ones fast enough, definitly not in sufficient number. lets be conservative, 2 vasari players can bring more force to bear on any single point that can truly be diverted by any single empire. and even if you target a vasari world with a phase gate, and if you have another allied vasari, it does not matter because you say allies shouldnt be able to use other allies tech, so your vasari friend can only jump in as far as he actually has a phase gate, then has to jump the old fashioned way the rest of the way. while two kostura cannon blasts can let two fleets jump there instantly.
So here you start fantasizing about brand new ideas of how to allow your idea and yet to limit it
well, i find it to be more constructive, helpful, fun/insteresting to me and building a more friendly, open-minded community forum if i recommend ideas, give my opinion as a player, join in conversation, praise for good ideas etc etc, rather than being A GODDAMN TROLL and sitting on your goddamn high horse shooting peoples ideas down, and then when they continue to support their ideas, you resort to attacking them. were you beaten as a child? bullied? mum dropped you at birth? idn, but you DEFINITLY arent an example of some of the finer aspects of this forum.
I say this: Vasari and other races may and possibly should be given more ways to support their allies. Not basing on the lore which we both seem to agree that it is broken so far (TEC allied with Advent? What? Vasari fighting Vasari?? WHAT??!).
so we do agree on something? now i dont know why you couldnt have skipped all this shit and instead of being an arrogant prick, tried to be constructive. honestly, id have been happy with a debate about what we could have done to give allies a way to support each other, instead you were more interested in proving your manhood and how awesome an alpha male you are.
A flat, lone changelog line saying
Ships can now jump between Phase Stabilizers that belong to their allied Vasari players.
is a big fat NO
love the arrogance, do you pick up girls with that? do they even look at you or do they just go straight for the slap and humiliating you infront of everyone?
you are a sad sad little person. come on a forum and act like king shit. wow, man, your such a champion...
ive said my piece. its obvious im not going to get you to even consider, i should have known when you started taking opposing sides whenever i tried to argue on your terms. it also seems as though no one else is taking an interest in this thread, certainly not the guy who made it.
if you have some decent, civilised debate to be had over why a team of 5 or even 2 vasari with kostura and phase gate tech isnt unbalanced and OP, im welcome to hear it, as long as it doesnt become a shit slinging contest.
honestly, there are poeple here a dozen times more worthy of conversation than you. atm you are only worth my pity and contempt.
enjoy your big bloody macho bullying of people on the internet, you big, strong, manly man you!