regarding centurionjixa: centurion pugs fail becuase people smurf and when the main advocate of pug matches smurfs to you have to wonder haha.
If you had read the other thread, you would have seen that I said that the smurf I use has an established record and had one before I started pugging with it and that I'm either captain or drafted in the appropriate spot (one of the top 3 picks). My main player name is not always first pick either and I'm getting drafted at the same spots my main name would get drafted at. It's really not that hard to undestand.
Pugs don't really need an advocate anymore at this since they have been popular for a couple months now and would go on without me. I understand that the pugs are not perfect, but as things stand right now, there aren't any better options other than imbalanced TvB teams or for people to squable over who should be on what team. Maybe you have a better idea?
also.. people could ruin their rank inentionally to get put on a better team. This kind of thing would never be able to work without a staff member of ironclad dedicated to making teams... and we know they won't do that lol
Now this is a good point, but as far as I know, no one has done this.