In all fairness to him, that game was over before it even started since his ally was guaranteed to get rolled quickly. I'm amazed he played it as long as he had. Even if you're a great player, it's hard to win when you have two human opponents against just yourself and they own 65% or more of the map.
Well there is no argument about that here. And I will certainly concede that he is much better at producing than I am. He was able to build a second cap to start, pump out illums in ten minutes, AND begin colonizing ice planets almost right away. I've never seen anyone do that before.
His tactical strategy, on the other hand, leaves me rather unimpressed. To stop my marza + carriers, he sends 30 illums. 30 illums vs 19 fighters, not a great idea (not to mention when my backup comes rolling in. Likewise, when I'm pounding on his territory with 10 kodiaks, he pumps out 15 illums and tries to throw them against the kodies unsupported.
This leads me to believe he's one of those players who enjoys mindlessly exploiting an overpowered unit by pumping out as much of them as he can. I could be wrong, this is the first time I've played him. From what I've experienced, however, I can't concede him much of any strategic prowess.
'Not sure why K.I.A. made that comment about being a pain in the ass unless he was referring to not quitting when the game had been decided. When he made the comment about wanting to fight I wondered if he meant, "Since the game is over and has been decided, don't you want to have our fleets duke it out?"
See, I could have respected that if this was his aim. His tone combined with his gameplay, however, leads me to believe he was just whining that I didn't want to play "Let's see how overpowerd illums + guardians REALLY is." Particularly his comment at the end: "GG purple, it's just too bad that your partner was too afraid to fight me without you"
To me, it sounds like he's waxing his ego, and I have no sympathy for the arrogant.