I'm still lost as to where people took the scout tactic and interpreted it as a rush. I'm not saying I've never used them offensively, because I have, but the VAST majority of the time I use them, I did it defensively.
Back on topic:
The power of scouts isn't this all powerful tactic that some seem to think it is, and that's not aimed at Sire. That's a statement in general. The fact that you need 3 scouts for every Illum is a mandate first off. 12 TEC scouts will destroy 4 illums, but I wouldn't be surprised if they lost to 5 illums.
Really, here's what scouts are good against:
Long Range Frigates
Colony Frigs
Other Scouts
Seige Frigates
Seekers WILL beat equal investment in Cobalts or Skinatras. This is at the least what the numbers suggest. I don't really want to do a test cause the numbers really haven't lied to me yet when it comes to ship stats.
Actually, I'll leave on this note. Take a look at the seekers stats. They're scary.