The Gallery has now been updated to include an Omega too. The writing of Agamenon and the EarthForce Logo have been flipped in the texture file already, unfortunately they came out wrong when I exported the model from Max hence being the wrong way around in the picture posted though this is no longer the case.
I appreciate the feedback, I agree balance is a big isssue so this might be a project I'll re-think or put on hold entirely but Major Stress don't worry I won't use any of the SOA2 models, as I said everything that I put in game is going to be created from scratch.
TobiWahn - I'll find out the exact poly count for the G'Quan and let you know when I am next at the computer I have with 3DStudio, this should be this weekend, and if you want it I am happy to e-mail it over. Alot of the polys come from the detail around the engines and the beams which can be optimized, removed or even re-modeled. Thank you for your offer of the other models you are using but as per the previous line, this is as much about me just improving my modelling/modding skills as anything else. Happy for you to use any of the models I make, or anyone else to have them for that matter just let me know if you or anyone want them. As for contributing to Sins of the Younger Races please feel free to use anything I make but at the moment I can only see myself making 2 Centauri and 2 Narn ships as thats all I can remember from the show but they're yours as and when/if you want them. I've also done something similar to the SOA2 team with making bespoke debris for the individual ships so you're welcome to that too if it's something you want to include in your mod?
Finally, at the moment I'm trying to make one of the first one ships just to see what I can and can't do with Sins:
but does anyone know how I can make the "fire" spin as well as the discs in game? I've been able to get it to work using a mesh for the flame, which is textured, but this doesn't look as good as a particle effect, so if anyone knows how I can get a particle to rotate along an axis whilst maintaining its vertical integrity that would be much appreciated. Thanks!