What WeaponType are there?
Beam, Projectile, and Missile.
What AttackType are there?
AttackType is the, well, type of attack the weapon has. This is the field that's compared to the armor type to determine damage bonuses/penalties. For a full table, look at gameplay.constants which lists the damage multipliers of each AttackType against each armor type.
What DamageType are there?
Pysical and Energy. There's no difference between the two, other than the Advent carrier's aura that gives a bonus to Energy weapons only.
What WeaponClassType are there?
This is the actual weapon that you see on infocards and that's tied to research. Autocannon, Plasma, Wave, so on.
How do the DamagePerBank settings work?
There are 4 possible banks on a ship. Front, Left, Right, Back. A single weapon can be located on any or all of them (the firing points for this are set on the actual model). So the setting is how much damage the weapon does *per shot* from each bank. For example the Kol's Autocannons are located on all 4 banks so it does 27 damage per shot from front and back, and 49.5 damage per shot from the sides.
What is SynchronizedTargeting?
Whether or not all firing points fire at the same time. For example, all 4 of Kol's front beams fire at the same time, because SynchronizedTargeting is set to TRUE.
What is PointStaggerDelay?
The delay between the weapon firing from each firing point. The higher the number, the longer the pause. So, again for the Kol, if you increase the stagger delay for its beams it will take longer for the next firing point to fire the weapon after the first.
This is *not* the weapon cooldown setting, and is purely cosmetic.
How do all of these settings relate to what needs to be done in XSI to ensure that the proper weapon meshpoints/Nulls fire the correct weapons?
The only thing that's related to the actual model is DamagePerBank. You need to have the firing points on the bank for the weapon to shoot from it. Which is why most frigates only have a value for the FRONT bank, since they don't have weapon hardpoints on the others.
How do I differentiate weapon banks in XSI?
This should be in the XSI tutorial in the mod pack, else someone else will have to answer this one since I don't model.