Ok so I was curious how exactly I can could sign up for the beta, or get my hands on it when it comes out?
You get into the beta just by pre-ordering Diplomacy when it becomes available on Impulse. Nothing else is needed.
Except downloading the beta when Impulse says it's available
An its just the 10 dollar price like entrenchment right?
The next question is: when can I fork over my $10?
Right away, if it's to me personally.
ok, so having preordered the game today, is it too late to get teh beta?
of course not as it is still in the design/alpha phase and NOBODY outside of ironclad has seen more than the teasers from PAX
darn it, start the beta already, so i can get it...paypal doesn't allow pre-order
Yea I want this beta already !!!!
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