Here's my take of the Vasari religious history. It's kinda (really) long, and I have this on the Sinner's Mind Game thread, but if we're consolidating Vasari history opinions I guess I can put this here again
. (just let me no if this is 2 long and u want me to just provide a link to where this shows up.)
So in what I've called the History of the Spirits, I describe the Creation of the Universe by 5 beings known as the Spirits, who sort of watch and guide the Vasari throughout their existence (details and reasons to be found below.) Also kind of explains why they keep running. The Spirits tell them to. Anyway, here's it all. Get a good cup of coffee, this thing is heavy.
In the Beginning, there were five Spirits. They were the Spirit of Light, the Spirit of Dark, The Spirit of Fire, The Spirit of Air, and the Spirit of Earth. Together they began Creation, and the universe was born. The Spirit of Dark expanded his power and turned space as dark as night. The Spirit of Light filled his darkness with tiny jewels of light, and he named them suns. Then the Spirit of Earth and the Spirit of Fire combined their power and created planets around the suns, and named them Volcanic. Then the Spirit of the Air created atmospheres for the planets, altering each one so they would all have a chance at creating different types of life. Thus the Universe was made. The Spirits sat back and looked at their handiwork, and they were proud. They waited and watched a long time before Life began on their planets, but their wait was rewarded. Among the first signs of life were the Vasari on their fire planet, Vasar. The Spirit of Fire was pleased with this, and blessed the Vasari with quick wit and great strength. But the Spirit of Dark was not like the other Spirits, because although it controlled Darkness, it was itself Darkness and Darkness could never be pure. And so the Spirit of Dark also cast a spell upon the newborn Vasari, making them cruel and distrustful of all. Combined with the Spirit of Fire's gift, it turned the Vasari into fledging dictators of the other species to be Born. This angered the other Spirits, especially the Spirit of Fire, who was known to be hot-tempered, and together they cast the Spirit of Dark away from the secret palace of the Spirits and locked away the Spirit of Dark inside his own Darkness of the universe. The Spirits watched the area of the universe where they had imprisoned the Spirit of Dark for signs that the Spirit of Dark was breaking free, but they saw no signs.
Thus five Spirits became four.
Satisfied, the Spirits then came to the Vasari, as the Spirit of Dark's prison was close to the planet Vasar, and they greeted the Vasari and welcomed them from awaking from the Dark Thought where all unborn things reside in. In their greeting they explained the gifts that were passed down to the Vasari, and of the Spirit of Dark's curse. They charged the Vasari with the task of guarding the Spirit of Dark's prison from all other species, themselves knowing that no other species could stand up to the Vasari's superior wit and strength, and that the Vasari's distrustfulness would guarantee they let no other species near the prison. The Spirits promised the Vasari that if they guarded the prison faithfully, the Spirits would reward the Vasari by revealing to them their destined future. The Vasari willingly agreed to this deal, and the Spirits created four more planets around the prison of the Spirit of Dark, creating a pentagon, a symbol of power for the Spirits, and placed Vasar on the tip of the Pentagon. And so the pentagon sector of the Vasari Empire was born. The Spirits watched and waited, and saw the Vasari kept true to their promise, as they allowed no other species near the pentagon sector. Then the Spirits deemed it time to reveal to the Vasari their destiny. And so the Spirit of Light, the Spirit of Fire, the Spirit of Air, and the Spirit of Earth came to the Vasari and dictated four prophecies to them, as was promised. They were named as following: From the Spirit of Earth came the Tome of the Warrior, and from that the Vasari learnt the many arts of battle. From the Spirit of Air came the Prophecies of Reunion, and the Vasari learnt how to process other races and make them Vasari. From the Spirit of Light came the Prophecies of Darkness, and from this the Vasari learnt fear, which would keep them from pushing their endeavors too far. The Spirit of Fire, angered at the other Spirits for not leaving him something to vaticinate, gave the Vasari a Tome called the Downfall of the Empire, and from that the Vasari learnt despair. The other Spirits, angered at the Spirit of Fire for providing unnecessary distress unto the Vasari, exiled the Spirit of Fire from this Universe, and locked him in the secret palace of the Spirits for a period of one hundred years.
Thus four Spirits became three.
The Spirit of Light was the strongest remaining of the Spirits, as strength ran as follows: The Spirit of Dark was strongest, then came the Spirit of Light, then the Spirit of Fire, then the Spirit of Earth, and then the Spirit of Air was the weakest, and most closeted within itself. From the Spirit of Air came Shyness and Wisdom. The Spirit of Earth was slow to begin action and cared for all things made from the earth. From the Spirit of Earth came Hesitance and Love. The Spirit of Fire was easily baited and disliked jokes upon him, and from this Spirit came Anger and Insecurity. The Spirit of Light judged all things equally and without favoritism, and from him came Equality and Logic. These mini-Spirits became known as Emotions.
Thus three Spirits became ten.
But the Emotions ran wild, and only the Spirits that produced them could contain them. The Spirit of Fire's Emotions caused untold pain and misery upon every species, and he refused to absorb them back within himself. As so the Spirit of Light requested the help of the Spirits of Earth and Air, and enclosed the secret palace of the Spirits in earth, and withdrew from it all oxygen. The Spirit of Fire weakened to the point that it became less than an Emotion, and the Emotions Anger and Insecurity broke free of the hold of the Spirit of Fire. At that point the Spirit of Light believed it could capture the Emotions and contain them in the secret palace of the Spirits as well, but the two Emotions sunk into the species of the universe, and it was impossible to retrieve them. Forgotten by his brothers, the Spirit of Fire sank into the Dark Thought and was no more.
Thus ten Spirits became seven.
But the other Emotions, seeing how Anger and Insecurity were betrayed, and yet broke free, turned on their Makers and themselves broke free of their Spirits. They then sunk into the species of the universe, as did Anger and Insecurity, and what resulted was destruction.
Thus Five became Four became Three....and then came Madness.
The three remaining Spirits, the Spirit of Light, the Spirit of Earth, and the Spirit of Air, needed to find a way to calm the waves of discontent rolling across the species of the universe, and in their despair they turned to the Vasari for insight. The Vasari, grown only wiser with age and with the help of the Spirit of Fire's gift, asked the Spirits of the whereabouts of the Spirit of Fire, so as to thank him for the blessings he had passed onto them. Thus the three Spirits remembered their brother and broke the ball of Earth surrounding the secret palace of the Spirits. They searched for the presence of the Spirit of Fire but could not find it, and the three Spirits broke into tears at the thought of what they had done. And from their tears the Spirit of Water was born.
Thus three Spirits became four.
The Spirit of Water, the weakest of the Spirits, was bubbly and humorous, and the Spirits of Light, Earth, and Air soon forgot the Sin they had committed against the Spirit of Fire, and rejoiced in the Spirit of Water's presence. They then came back to the Vasari and asked them once more for a solution to their problem. The Vasari, wise yet crafty from the Spirit of Fire and the Spirit of Dark, told the Spirits that all their problems were solved with the appearance of the Spirit of Water. She could wash the dissenters from the universe! The four Spirits deliberated on this, but found no other solution. The Spirit of Water, helped by the Spirit of Light, flooded the worlds of the species destroyed by Anger and Insecurity, and began life anew on them. The Spirit of Light directed the Spirit of Water's power through light travel, and the process was completed in a relatively short amount of time. The Spirit of Earth, without the help of the Spirit of Fire, asked instead for the Spirit of Water to help him, and they together created a new breed of planets, which the four Spirits named Terran, for the life they saw spring up in its green, lush landscapes. The Spirit of Earth, however, saddened by the remembrance of the Sin they had done to the Spirit of Fire, in sudden rash judgement named one of the new planets Earth, and carefully guided that planet's species for eons to come. The Spirit of Earth dropped out of the Council of Spirits to supervise his planet's species, and the other Spirits were saddened by this.
Thus four Spirits became three.
The Spirit of Light looked upon the universe that they had created, and deemed it empty. It called upon the Spirit of Water and the Spirit of Air to create a new breed of planets together. The two Spirits, after deliberating for some time, decided to give it a try. The Spirit of Water created large balls of cold water, and the Spirit of Air shaped and cooled them into planets. Thus the Spirits created the planets named Ice. The Vasari called out unto the Spirits, and the Spirits came to them and asked them what their troubles were, for troubled the Vasari certainly seemed. The Vasari told the Spirits that they could not adequately guard the prison of the Spirit of Dark because it took too long for their ships to traverse the great emptiness of space. The Spirits had a deeply ingrained rule, and that was to never intentionally improve a species's scientific progress, but the Spirits also greatly desired that the Spirit of Dark could never escape from his prison, and so they gave the Vasari the gift of passage into phase space, and the Vasari were greatly pleased. The Spirit of Light, the Spirit of Water, and the Spirit of Air did not want the Vasari to have too large of an advantage over other species, and so ingrained into every species the idea of phase travel, to be discovered by them when that species was ready. Satisfied with their work, the three Spirits left this Universe to retire to the secret palace of the Spirits for a time.
Thus three Spirits remained three.
Time passes quicker inside the Universe than it does on the Outside, and so when the Spirits returned to the Universe, they were greatly surprised. Much of what they had thought they knew had changed. Many species had disappeared off the face of the universe, and the Vasari now controlled a great Empire. The Spirits searched for the Spirit of Earth, but could not find his planet after so much change. Disheartened, they hoped it was far from the Vasari's new Empire and came to the Vasari to demand to know the reason of this aggressive expansion. But the Vasari would not meet with the Spirits, and hid from them. The Spirits in their rage withdrew their wisdom from the Vasari, and the original Prophecies were lost to them. The Vasari, angered by what they thought was rightfully theirs, began a secret project in the pentagon worlds. For the Spirit of Dark's curse had run deep, and ingrained in every Vasari was wickedness and cruelty. Even though the Vasari had long committed all four Prophecies to memory, they believed that if the Spirits went back on their side of the bargain, the Vasari would as well. And so began the project the Vasari called "Space Hole." Centered in the pentagonal worlds, on a little-known artificially-created planet called Kron, the Vasari constructed a research station to try and open the Spirit of Dark's prison. The Spirits, aware only that the Vasari had created an artificial world and a "Viturska Experimental Transport Lab" to study phase space, for the first time were fooled by those they had created and brought out of the Dark Thought. The Vasari's experiments at the Viturska lab got more desperate with each passing week as they failed to find a way to open, or even locate, the prison that should have been right on top of them. In their desperation, the Vasari released a cloud of nanobites into the atmosphere to try and locate the prison of the Spirit of Dark. Now the Spirit of Dark, trapped Outside in his prison for aeons now, had only grown more angry and terrible to behold as time passed. He had decided that the moment he got free, for there was never any question that he would break free, he would go after and destroy everything that the Spirits held dear, starting with his captors, the Vasari. And so when the nanobites passed the area of the Universe where the Spirit of Dark's prison was, he reached his presence out to them and snagged their processing power away from the researchers in the Viturska lab, and began using them to bore a hole through the Universe to Outside, where his prison was contained. The Vasari, alarmed at what has happening, immediately cried for the Spirits to help save them from their Sin, but the Spirits, still angered at the Vasari, refused to listen to their cries for help and told them to deal with their problems on their own. The Spirits were still not aware of what the Vasari had been doing on Kron. The nanobites managed to pierce a small hole through the Universe to Outside before they were obliterated by the sight of what they should Not See, and through that crack the Spirit of Dark poured his presence back into the Universe. The Spirit of Light, the Spirit of Water, and the Spirit of Air, feeling the Spirit of Dark's presence once more in the Universe, flew immediately to the sight of the planet Kron and the Viturska lab, right below the Spirit of Dark's prison, and saw what had happened. The Spirit of Dark, cloaking himself in his own Darkness, hid his presence from the other Spirits and they could not find him. Closing the hole to Outside, before more creatures perished from it, the Spirits then went down to the Viturska lab. Or where the lab had once been. Upon arrival, the three Spirits saw the charred and ruined remains of the lab floating in space, with an asteroid field of metal and solidified lava where the artificial planet Kron had once been. Greatly alarmed, the Spirits then traveled to Vasar, where they came just in time to see it devoured by what they named the Darkness. Unwilling to describe it to the future Vasari that they eventually found, the Spirits only said that the Darkness was a product of the Spirit of Dark, and it would consume every last memory of the Vasari from the Universe unless the Vasari fled from it. And so the Vasari, cursed twice fold by their Sin, fled the ruined Vasari Empire with only the memory of the Spirit of Fire's Prophecy in their heads. What had been predicted had come true. The Vasari would pay forevermore for their Sin. The Spirit of Air and the Spirit of Water, chased themselves by products of the Spirit of Dark, fled to the secret palace of the Spirits Outside the Universe, and were safe from the Spirit of Dark there. The Spirit of Light, alone not strong enough to challenge the Spirit of Dark, did not flee the Universe, but instead hid itself among the fleeing Vasari, and did not abandon them.
Thus three Spirits became One, and the One Spirit was the Greatest of them All.
For Five became Four became Three which turned into Madness, but what came after Madness was much, much worse.