As the topic says, I've found two pretty major bugs with the Vasari Phase Stabilizers. Sorry for posting it here but I don't see a "bug" forum.
The Phase Stabilizers work, but in a couple situations, they will not work correctly. If you build a Phase Stabilizer on the planet that your military ships are currently on, they will NOT use it until you leave the planet and come back again after it's built. There is some kind of bug that prevents the ships from recognizing the new Phase Stabilizer, and forces them to take the longer route, instead of using the Phase Gate route. I have had this happen to me multiple times so I know it's real.
Having said that, the Marauder's 4th skill, Stabilize Phase Space, as far as I've seen, does not work at all. You click it, and there is no animation or any indication that anything has happened, which is convenient because nothing does happen. I'm assuming it's the same bug that occurs when you build a Phase Stabilizer where your units are and have to leave and come back for it to work, but in this case, it just doesn't work at all.
Can anyone confirm these?