since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for flashing high beams.
Banned for staring like a stunned deer into those high beams.... in some peoples language it's called ogling.
banned for I can gladly get rid of the pic if you don't like it.
Banned for wanting to deprive starkers of his eye candy.
banned for it's up to him whether there is more or less. Personally, I wanted a better looking girl, but I was having trouble finding something where nipples didn't show.
Banned for mentioning attributes.
Banned because everyone is fixated on the woman and thus did not notice what appears to be blood spattered on the walls...
banned for it's the backdrop to the outdoor stage. Nothing to worry about.
Banned for not realizing that is a stage with some painted back drop. And since you don't like them "tits", here you go...
Banned for beating me by 3 minutes about the stage....
Banned for 3 minutes.
Banned for a gross exaggeration.
Banned for grossness.
banned for another page ruined!
Banned for being mad. Emotions will only lead you astray....
yeah, yeah, yeah, dark side and all that. banned for at least they have cookies.
Everyone banned for making me see those mancans in two threads....
Banned for getting aroused at Bison's tits.
banned cause, there not tits....these are tits!
banned for bad grammar. saved by tits.
Banned for tits. Saved by bad capitalization.
Lord help me if I have to post a pic of twig and berries to make you happy....
Banned for bringing religion into a tit debate.
Banned because penii have little to do with religion.
And you guys really don't get this "Does not demonstrate a clearly-defined gender identity" thing, do you?
Banned because tits are what fed more than half the world's population... and there should be more of it
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