Sova Aint Overpowered, the fact is you lost due to your incompetence, Spamming two of the same caps is pointless (unless rushing), its too easy to counter, 2 carriers lack firepower againest a fleet etc.
LOL. First off, I wish you'd tell all the players I play against that spamming two of the same caps is pointless, because that's all I ever see (2 halcyons, 3 halcyons, 4 halcyons, 2 sovas, 3 sovas, 4 sovas, etc.). This is the first game I've played in ages where my opponent DIDN'T spam duplicate or triplicate caps. I spammed two skirantras because I expected my opponent to come with 2 carriers, like he always does, and it's the only way I know to attempt a counter.
Secondly, you say it's "too easy to counter." BY A LONE CAPSHIP? WHAT'S YOUR RATIONALE FOR SAYING THAT? So you are saying if I spammed just one cap, I would have been more difficult to counter by his lone capship than two?
The problem Agent is that you relied on the firepower of the skintra which is i think 11 dps. through migitation and armour in total your 2 caps together were probably only doing half of their true dmg. Skinantras are carriers!!
He had a carrier too!
use bombers to attack their caps. and dont give me the bull that they die to quickly to fighters, half bombers and half fighters will work well for killing the fighters and killing his cap.
Hell no, I ain't deploying bombers in a grav well with fighters (sorry, I gave you the bull anyway - LOL).
The problem is that even with only 1 missile battery the sova does more dps then 2 skinantras if you dont use their strikecraft.
Yeah I know! That's my point! Why the hell is the skirantra so underpowered compared to the sova?
The skinantra is also a support cap, it is not meant to have high firepower.
Right, well isn't his cap a support cap too? It's a carrier. And even if the skirantra is a support cap, shouldn't it's support (repair) be able to keep up with the dps of a sova?
I don't ask that the skirantra deal the high dps of the sova, but shouldn't it be able to heal the same amount of dps caused by the sova? If you say "no," then I will ask, shouldn't it be able to heal HALF of the dps of the sova? I had 2 skirantras. If each healed HALF the dps caused by ONE sova, my skirantra would have lived.
And finally you just sat your skinantra there as its helath slowly went down to 0. no matter the situation if you cap is getting down to 1500 hp (depending on their fleet) you need to run it.
Yeah, I know that. Once I realized that his single, lone eff'ing sova was gonna kick the crap out of both my skirantras and take my 'roid, I didn't eff'ing care anymore - the 'roid was lost and the game was gonna be lost. At that point it just became a test to me just to see how inferior the skirantra was.
you could have easily saved your cap but you just sat it there.
Yeah I know - I sat it there on purpose. My point with this isn't that I'm asking advice on how to save caps, how I could have played better, etc. I'm trying to point out the weakness of the skirantra. I think it's ridiculous.
From what i see you lost from misuse of a support cap and failure to retreat it when its health got low.
I lost the second his sova hit my roid. The loss was already as good as sealed. I let the cap sit there and die because once I realized I was going to have to retreat both my caps and give him the roid, the game was already over. You can't recover from that (at least I can't).
Look Vasari, believe it or not I actually respect you a hell of a lot. We've played some games together (you never knew it was me, ha ha). We won a tag team just the other day (I played vasari), and you said I did good. I've never seen bad behavior from you online unlike in many others - you always seem like a class act whenever I play with you. Furthermore, my guess is you'd kick my ass if we did a one on one, so far be it from me to dispute anything you say. I'm just saying I really think the skirantra is underpowered. Actually, it's worse than that. I think vasari is underpowered, period, including their caps. I think they can't win one on one on a small map with players of equal skill.
I said this before, but this time I mean it: I'm not playing vasari any more, unless it's on a huge map where I have the time to expand and hit late game. That probably means no more vasari for me unless its single player.