I have gone around abit and seen some posts about cap ships sucking. in the vanilla game, and some mod, yes, i do agree.
but thats the vanilla game's capital ships. FYI, NOT real capital ships.
i have modified Distant stars mod (for my personnal taste) for having REAL capital ships, as in what it woul REALLY take to take down a capital ship.
basically i roughly have doubled to tripled the health and shields, as well as the repair rate and mitigation thats been greatly increased, the damage from the suposebly "main batterys" have been increased... and most of all MORE GUNS. 40 for the Kol battleship to be exact.
let me clarify WHY i did this.
in Star Wars, have you ever heard... say... ill be generous, 500 Nebulon B Frigates take out a Super Star Destroyer? no, because they couldnt.
that ammount of frigates would just die one by one very quickly in the face of a Super Star Destroyer. to be honest, they wouldnt even scratch the damn thing.
what about bombers? did they do it? sure, ONCE and at a GREAT cost. and thats if you have hardpoints, wich isnt the case in SOASE.
now moving on to cruiser sized ships:
now we could mention the MC80 Winged or Wingless Mon Calamari cruiser, but for me these ARE capital ships, just like the Imperial I class Star Destroyer (Imperial II later on). so im gonna stick with... say, 100 MC75 "Baracuda" Calamari Cruisers and MC40 light calamari cruisers.
they probably, just maybe able to take down the Super Star Destroyer's shields, but by tht time, 3/4 of them woul be wiped out.
the SSDs have over 1200+ weapons, while the cruisers i mentioned barely have 100.
see my point? and this is why i was quite dispointed in the game, the cap ships SHOULD BE CAP SHIPS, not bigger chunks of metals waiting to be blown up.
not only the the model not big enough (i would like to make them bigger but i dont know how to lol...) but they are underarmend, sure theyre abilities are great but they ARE expected on ANY capital ships.
16 of theses ISNT worth my money in the vanilla version...
16 of theses IS worth my money in my modded version.
i have taken into extensive testing, and the Kol Battleship is able to survive in average 46 frigates, OR 22 Cruisers.