I think the modding community is significantly smaller than the visible player/poster base and something else pertinent may be that you posted during the great server reset and crash.
There are a lot of pretty teeny (and very trivial) posts now and then that push new threads down and I have found it takes awhile to get the knowlegeable base into a conversation sometimes. Bump this now and then as it is hands down the best converter for the game. It is certainly bump worthy until someone pins it.
If you really want to get noticed and praised, come up with an improvement for Galaxy Forge (indeed, I drool at the thought)--they may make you the hero of the year for that. Broken templates, dated galaxy file syntaxes, incomplete or incorrect item lists--a major improvment there would be wonderful...and if that isn't a gui in need of a stylish makeover then their ain't one.
Even just developing an appender that adds templates to the raw galaxy files would be great. Make a map in GF then use the appender to create and add a properly formated template (they are nicely at the very end of the simple text files).
Notheless, Kudos again good sir! Kudos I say!