1. Granny panties - these things have got to go. I realize they're generally the cheapest available, but nobody looks good in them.
2. Tighty whiteys - Standard white briefs are boring and the waistband never seems to last. Definitely need to add some color and do something about that waistband.
3. Plain boxer shorts - Not too bad, but make sure they have a button on the front. It's the worst when you're walking around the house in these and Mr. Happy pokes his head out to say hello.
4. Bikini briefs - need some sort of warning that they're not for everyone. Okay for most women, but very few dudes can use these effectively.
5. G-strings - see Bikini Briefs. For guys: male strippers only. For women: whale tails are classy. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
6. French Briefs and Cheekies - These are just fine.
7. Thermal Underwear - nice too, when you need it. Probably could use a warning not to wear on the outside, because foolish people sometimes do this.
8. Boxer briefs - these are fine, too, generally very comfortable and provide good coverage. However, like Thermals, they are not a replacement for pants or shorts.