Okay, so, I want to use Sins Plus, because it's awesome, so I download it, put it in
C:\Documents and Settings\(my username)\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods-Diplomacy v1.011
Load the game, click enable mod, and then click apply changes.
The game crashes, and I can't get out with the task manager, so I have to shut down my comp, and start it again.
This time I run it in windowed mode (so I can use taskmanager to shut it down), and try again, with all of my settings at their lowest. This crashes as well. I try again, turn off all effects, and it crashes again.
Maybe I'm putting it in the wrong folder, or something, but it just isn't working. It says it's for Diplomacy, maybe I just can't read?