Frequently Asked Questions
What version of Sins of a Solar Empire is supported? Sins of the Fallen is a modification for Diplomacy and will be ported to Rebellion. (Currently Diplomacy 1.34).
How do you install Sins of the Fallen? Please read How to install Sins of the Fallen.
Why does your mod have so many folders? As Sins of a Solar Empire is a 32bit game it is restricted to 2GB of ram utilization as well as other various hard coded limitations. The stacking structure used with this mod allows more than 2GB of content by allowing portions of the mod to be loaded.
Will you support Entrenchment or Vanilla? No, I did have previous versions that supported Entrenchment (See Release History), but have decided the it was too much effort for one person to try and maintain both.
A mysterious race of giant men possessing miracle like abilities (claimed to have been gained from the fallen angels that originally sired them).
A vampiric race capable of infecting others with their taint.
Cybernetically enhanced humans fashioning themselves as pirates will be the first to pass through Pandora's Gate.
Hypercorps were behind the initial push into space and were able to survive much of the Fall when the Titans began trying to exterminate all life.
A refugee group of infomorphs escaping endentured slavory planning revenge on an epic scale for their enslavement, the Infomorphs refashioned themselves as Archailects with the intent on uploading their enslavors and torturing them for an eternity.
A homage race to the beta release of alliance hidden agenda mod.
A Battle Star Galactica Mod