Well, it's good against a UB that is crit stacking and using Bestial Wrath (:
Or against another UB with Akshandor since even with Bulwark and UB's naturally high armor values you'll still proc Acclimation which is HUGE.
So... yes. In a mirror with another UB who is only using Spit, and has no crit items, yes, I can see your argument. But what else are you going to get? Claws II? Stats?
Oh yah. Bestial Wrath.
Right - and I was actually on the fence of going for ashkandor instead of buying giants once I saw he clearly did not go for acclimation, but I figured, easy win with creeps based on me controlling the map late game (which shouldn't be possible with 1 human w/ ai v 2 humans). His strategy is great against a non-ub player, imo. A ub doing huge amounts of damage, able to chase at high speed? That's a win. But acclimation changes that. And he's probably used to just playing weaker players, so he doesn't understand that. And even if his reasoning is that this guy isn't using any major crits (I really doubt he though that through - after all, he was drunk), its easily worth the 1 point if you actually know what it does. So, I'm pretty confident it comes down to a lack of understanding. No big deal, though. You live, you learn. Or you pretend you already knew that and you learn.
edit - Cambokill is still the best though. Recognize sucka.
...when was I ever racist?? More lies made up...
how many times do you have to read a post to comprehend...