Hmmm... I personally liked the prequles (poor jedi) but regardless
I would have said the same thing a month ago. Do me a favor and watch about 10 minutes of the redlettermedia link I provided above and decide if you want to watch more. I'm a HUGE star wars fan and watching that helped me see some of the problems. I think you'll find it quite entertaining.
A quick, albeit crappy example: here is your task. Describe the following character without referring to their profession or what they look like.
Han solo: A bit of a brigand. He's out for money, but has a heart of gold. He's a scumbag, but also a hero. He's there when it matters.
qui gon jinn: He's... stoic. (Any other thoughts? He was a pretty important character in episode 1, right?)
Princess Leia - She's not exactly soft spoken. She's a bit like a shrew. She's a brat. She flirts with someone else just to frustrate another. She becomes a hero and is the hope for the galaxy if her brother dies. She ends up falling if love with a brigand.
Padmé Amidala - She's.... she.... she loves someone that goes bad and gives birth to the last hope of the universe...
Anyway, that's just a small sample of some of the things discussed in the review. Give it a look if you like. I found it entertaining, at the very least.
If you have read any of the books concerning the mandalorians you'll see why i don't like the series. Also they just seem to mess with canon
And no - I get that. I'm a bit of a purist nerd myself. If they are screwing with the canon WITHOUT adding any interesting or meaningful content, then I'm not a fan. But as I haven't read all of the books, its not off-putting to me.