when you have that situation, everyone remembersHumm ... at what point in our / your discussions did Iraq become the aggressor, just asking?
Oh didn't you know? Iraq invaded Kuwait, oh but wait, i saw that in the world media, and because America is so good at controlling world media, it must have been America invading Kuwait so that Bush 2 would have a nice foothold position to apply his it's fake list of excuses to invade Iraq.... so i can see how irrelevant it all is to our conversation (Extreme sarcasm alert hahaha).
The world community did not have the authority to invade another country or they might have. Besides, Bush 1 was not as stupid as his son and realized the likely outcome. I would love to have been a fly on the wall when the two had this discussion. Geeze … let’s just blame the world community for the actions of the USG, don’t work for me.
I will just copy and paste my previous line, i think it works just as well here "Oh didn't you know? Iraq invaded Kuwait, oh but wait, i saw that in the world media, and because America is so good at controlling world media, it must have been America invading Kuwait so that Bush 2 would have a nice foothold position to apply his it's fake list of excuses to invade Iraq.... so i can see how irrelevant it all is to our conversation (Extreme sarcasm alert hahaha)."
Every war ever fought by the American Government was a war of humanitarianism and freedom and democracy. American diplomacy has changed little. Our expansion west was nothing but an ethnic cleansing of the natives. And the Louisiana Purchase neglected to discuss the hundreds of tribes that had lived there for who knows how long. Yep … ethnic cleansing again. I think this was all to educate the savages and force European civility and culture on them. Democracy USG style is never a good thing to be on the receiving end of and is always costly in lives and property. Then of course, we had to teach the Mexicans how costly it was to get between the USG and the west coast. Yep, ethnic cleansing, democratic style. So we stole their land too and kicked them off, just because. If one is inclined to go back in time, well you might be surprised at what the USG has kept out of the school books … but not the archives and reliable records.
I will try and be serious here for a moment and ask, can you honestly tell me any non biased historian worth his salt (from any country you like to choose) would not be able to shoot holes in at least half of what your saying throughout this thread?
Do not tryto come up with all the answers at one time ... you just need to start somewhere and just follow where that leads you. Believe me, nobody can make much sense of all the messes in the world, you and I included.
But you can establish some basic facts, it is not that hard at all, and you can trust mainstream information (but not with 'absolute' trust) for the most part. It is not compulsory to assume everything is wrong nor is it a wise position to take, all it does is sabotage your integrity and your beliefs when it is totally unnecessary. Because i believe you can easily make a legitimate case for the basic principles of what you say about USG activities but without the 'professor nutcase' side of it!
*You should have a little faith and trust in your beliefs instead of sabotaging yourself with unnecessary inaccuracies*
Edit: oh now i remember the other thread.... the Fareinhight911 thread, which seems to have disappeared.