Yup, just take it out of the possibleRandomPlanetBounusesCount If you want it to always happen put it in the required section just above it. If you want it to have a higher chance of happening just copy and paste more listings in the possible section. (Note: I did strip Planet Bonuses from my planets... I'm not adding them back in or making new ones.)
Ok--so use multiple listings to give it a higher chance and omit it to have a No chance. I thought the game randomly assigned planet bonuses by default but its only if the entity info says to. Good to know. Thanks!
I'm working on a simpler mod and want to use planet bonuses as a way to increase the planet varieties without having to add more meshes and textures.
I definitely want to steal all the moons stars and clovers--I mean planets--from you. they'll serve as my lucky charms--and yes, they will serve me...oh yes, they shall serve.
You have fun putting bonuses into 150 entity files. I leave them out cause my planets don't need them.
So why don't your planets need them--just set the pop and resources and all as you wanted and then textured/meshed for it and titled it accordingly?
Also, are you actually able to have the game display your resource asteroids as normal as well as the ones modded into moons? The entity file is the determiner there too which mesh/texture is used?
I'm assuming entity files generate less ram use than calls for textures and meshes (I hope).
Basically I plan to create some planet bonuses so there is a little variety on specific types of planets rather than create every combination of them as a new planet model
Yup. There are 150 different planets. More than enough to not need bonuses. I see no reason for them. There are lots of multiple texture but that isn't an issue. I'd be pushing 600MB if I textured a night and day side for each different planet. It's just over 200mb right now. Each has it own upgrade structure. Though the sizes don't change anything.Eh? I haven't touched the resource meshes yet. The moon you see is the barren moon mesh. It's not a entity file but a data file. asteroid.data and that file controls which meshes are turned into asteroids. (I'm using different terms I know. resource roids, planet roids, and moon roids. lol) We talk about moon roids.Though some planets have 'characteristics' which are bonus entities edited for a planet type. also have a ship building ability.
He doesn't need them as each of the different "sizes" of planets (Dwarf, Large, Super, etc.) are partially different from each other, and in combination with the sheer number of planet types, makes for a varying experience regardless.
If my understanding is correct, it will display correctly, as these "extras" work in the same function as non-resource asteroids in an asteroid belt. As for determining which texture be used, the entity file has one or more possible meshInfo(s), which in turn call upon a Mesh file, which further calls upon the appropriate texture files whom are then rendered ingame.
Yup! Actually AsteroidTemplate -> Cluster -> meshgroup -> mesh.
lol i didn't give you the file to make it work.
Your galaxy scenario def must be an interesting read!
lol it is....
Oh it is, wadding through it isn't that difficult however, as it's organized pretty damned well.
This is actually true. I have scripts that dynamically add content to the base game's (or mod for that matter) GalaxyScenarioDef so I can mod using something more similar to a reusable package approach.
mmm maybe. come up with some and I'm think about it. I just don't have the time to think them up. lol
I wouldn't even try to explain how to do this to the general public...
lol I can code them I just need reasonable ideas. (we ignore icons unless someone wants to draw them.)
I swear Fred was here again.
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