Welcome to the Cosmos Ad Infinitum Mod for Sins of a Solar Empire
Project Goal
Provide the potential for an infinite number of new systems to Sins of a Solar Empire without dramatically changing core game play elements.
To accomplish this, the mod will make use of script generation developed by me to automate the redundant time consuming tasks of creating entity files, wiring the GalaxyScenerioDef, planetary bonuses and planet abilities.
Features of the mod:
New Planet Sizes: Moon, Dwarf, Normal, Giant
Custom icons and pictures for all new planets
Matching mainview icon sizes for planets
New planetary bonuses, potentially based on planet type (WIP)
New planetary abilities (WIP)
TBD (new stars, moons, non-traditional planets, etc)
Planet Types/Sizes
New planet types must be mapped to one of the existing: Terran, Volcanic, Ice, Desert, Asteroid, or GasGiant equivalent. The new planet type may get some tweaking but will mainly be used to drive the planetary type specific bonus/minus applied to the planet.
Planet sizes may be used to determine bonuses, abilities, upgrades and resource asteroids available. Still researching what I like best.
I'm still in the process of improving a few elements for this mod. One being a script to generate the brush entries for the mainview, hudicons infocards, pictures and undetected icon sets. I've also improved the process for icon and pictures which results in a better quality image (not in the test systems yet).
Current Iteration 1 test Systems:
Compatibility: Diplomacy 1.34
Fictional Sol
(Textures from Celestial Bodies, and various other public sources)
(Textures from Rigel system in Celestial Bodies)
(Textures from Tenorias system in Celestial Bodies)
Will these planets work with my favorite mod?
Without additional modifications the answer is no. Many things hinder multiple mods from working together harmoniously. In this case the modifications to the GalaxyScenarioDef and is the largest limiting factor. However, it will be possible to re-generate these or new planet textures for various other mods. I'm currently looking at creating new systems for Distant Stars and Sins of the Fallen which are two mods I play the most (latter expected of course).
Will you make system X work with mod Y?
Probably not unless asked by the modding team to do so.
If I provide you with planet textures for my mod will you do the coding?
Maybe yes. Easiest way to find out is to ask. I would want all planet textures in a 2:1 format and would need to know some other specifics before I agreed to do the work.
Why are some planets pinched at the top?
Some 2:1 planet textures work really well especially if they have some polar ice cap or other uniform top/bottom. Others don't work quite as well due to the way these textures are made and the mapping of a sphere to a 2:1 texture. (You'll see this in a lot of other mods that use mapping like this as well).