Meanwhile in reality, the left has flushed the country down the toilet with utterly insane spending and regulation increases over a scant four years of control. Idiots like Rush Limbaugh are becoming more and more popular, perhaps what's been called right-slanted is actually right?
Now me, I'm a right wing lunatic. I want damn near every federal agency shut down, no income tax, no sin taxes, no regulatory bodies, no federal grants of any kind, just a stripped down, lean mean federal government that does one and only one thing. Blows shit up when people fuck with us. Being self aware, I realize that I'm probably out there in crazy land. Being historically knowledgeable, I've got damn good company in my lunacy.
You live in crazy land, what you think of as crazy people and idiots are actually the sane ones that pay at least marginal attention to how fast the water is swirling down the drain. The stupocalypse is nigh, we're literally going to kill ourselves through sheer stupidity here. The world as a whole seems to think it can consume more resources than it creates, as if the physical impossibility of that idea will bow to ideological viewpoints. Wealth is produced, increasing consumption by taxing production has never worked in the recorded history of mankind, expectations otherwise are signs of insanity.
Right now we're just starving the third world, and, conveniently enough, the Islamists. A little ways further along the current trend, and it will be global. Once the financial house of cards collapses, the regulatory and financial roadblock to productivity is going to hit like a hammer, with our own government serving as the anvil.