First, you need a modeling software... in my case, i use wings3d who is free
For the texture, you need a 2D software... i use Gimp who is free...
You need XSI mod tool for hardpointing and hook the texture... free software too...
Need the stardock/ironclad utility for convert XSI to .mesh
Need notepad for edit/create the entity files...
That all for the programs that you need !!!
Now, a "step-by-step" or "how" about everything that you need to make is "no"... too much to explain since you don't give any information about your skill and knowledge... do you have some experience in modeling, segmenting, UV editing, texturing, coding, etc...
It is like you ask a "step-by-step" on how build a computer, starting from Silicium... nobody will explain you how to make a mod unless you are already somewhere and need help for somethi,g very specific... not that we are bad people but explain in the detail how to make a mod will take a lot of time maybe more time that making the mod itself...
First read the game documentation about modeling.... or best, read who have tutorial related to modding sins... once you are done with your personal education process, comeback with some more specific question...