I dont think he is implying anyone who plays on ICO is a bum or a loser in life.
The simple fact is all MP games no matter what type (RTS, FPS, MMO, etc) is infested with people who use the anynomous nature of the internet to just be plain rude.
It is a fact of life when plaing online. And yes its part of it. Competive gaming bring out the worst in people and it sad really.
My take on his point of view is he is one who vaules his time in a way where gaming should be a relaxing experence. Why should someone have to deal with the trolls, griffers, etc etc etc when they dont have too?
Simply majority of players dont want to waste their time dealing with what could be a 13 year old kid, being totaly disrepectful b/c they can. (I use this as an example, not saying everyone online is a kid) There nothing wrong with trash talk and such. But there is a correct way to do it and not. The latter is what 99% of the internet does.
You will find ICO numbers have suffered b/c of the this mentality. The already establoished players based, is relentless. If your not a regular your expect to run a trial by fire. Being kicked out of games b/c your a 'smurf', told over and over you suck, uninstall you game, etc etc.
If that what the first dozen games are like for someone here no wonder they dont come back.
Yes other games have this issue. And its a bigger issue in many other games. But what we dont have is numbers. One great game with respectable people can hook someone. The odds of finding that though in this game...dismaly low.