[/quote]Yeah, sadly impulse doesn't allow you to download older version. If you never had version 1.2/1.21, I'm afraid there is no way you'll be able to downgrade (sort of someone who did make an archive as Thoumsin mentioned sent you his). What mod did you want to get? Here are a few good up to date mods off the top of my head (any mod for Diplomacy 1.31 or 1.32 will work, as well as Entrenchment 1.051 and Original 1.191)
"Star Wars - Requiem" mod for Entrenchment and Diplomacy 1.31 (major patch 3.4 release)
[MOD WIP] Star Trek: Sacrifice of Angels 2 UPDATED 7/19/2011 SOA2 1.3 Update Released
[MOD] Distant Stars - [16/08 (D)]0.99 Beta 5 Released!
MOD: Stargate Races - 2011/08/20 - Diplomacy v1.32 Update
[MOD] Maelstrom |Original|Entrenchment|Diplomacy
Sins Plus Mod for Diplomacy v1.32 (current version)
I really wanted to play a mod calles Stars. Can't remember a whole lot about it off the top of my head, but it looked cool. And I am currently playing malestrom. Is there a way to implement realistic maps into malestrom i.e. large maps with long phase jums?