Blair I've seen you on alot these last few days cracking down on bugs and technical issues so I figured I would post a few things
1. Bugs
a. Ships will occasionally try to get from one grav well to another flying normally though space instead of jumping
2. Possible bugs
a. Halcylon ability that increases squadrons does not *activate* while in a magnetic cloud
b. tec trade pact does not require envoys in a locked team game
c. certain ships seem to fire some banks faster/sooner when issued a move order (i.e. an illum)
d. when you embargo a home planet while you destroy a correct percentage of income you only caputer regular income not income from the capital upgrade
e. ion bolt (and other disable abilities abilities) doesn't stop embargo
3. Suggestions
a. Domina abilities need reworked (the abilities themselves are ok but the way it *casts* the abilities are impractical)
b. disciple steal antimatter would be better with an engagement range so i don't need to put my ships on hold position or turn it off to prevent them from crossing the well to steal antimatter from a lone scout)
c. Nerf meteor shower in some way (i.e. increase antimatter use; lower aoe)
d. change repulse to last something like 5-10 sec so its more of a push then a wall
e. adjust charged missiles so when multiple ships with charged missiles are selected using the ability uses it for all instead of one
f. change embargo so it doesnt affect capital planet upgrade income
g. change it so the vasari starbase cant move and fire at the same time
h. change distance and need to face target for capturing neutral extractors
i. pathing on chasing ships; a fast ship when chasing a slow ship will often pick up too much speed overshoot its target stop turn fall out of range and need to catch up before resuming its attack