when u say lasers you mean beams: While lasers work on one wavelength beams (of light) do not. Its funny how the game potteries the two.
It doesn't really bother me that an AI or human can build several super weapons. I myself have built more than one Novalith cannon before (2 in my last campaign). I still want to suggest for Rebellion a pregame option that allows a limit to be set. I've seen other games do something like this. If disabled, the number of super weapons would be unlimited as it is now. If enabled, the player would specify how many can be created per empire.
I would probably choose 4 on some games and leave it unlimited on others. I once played a game where an AI created a lot of them and while this didn't bug me a whole lot, part of me felt that an optional limitation might be nice.
Lets make one thing clear which i don't think you seem to have grasped. How can you let an ai have the time to build many super weapons? Are you just building an empire or fighting a war?
I find it difficult to grasp what in gods name your doing because tactically letting an ai reach that level of technology is bs.
To me you sound like a Ai sympathizer and frankly speaking i hate Ai sympathizers. It Spoils a man.
You should be clear that you like to build empires and turtle than actually winning games quickly so it allows you see many super weapons being built. The developers don't put a limit on super weapons because they expect your opponent to be dead or half way there before they think of having more than one super weapon. Scout them out and destroy them!
The introduction of the titan is another variation of a super weapon but there limit will be influenced by fleet supply.