what about use the full path... something like...
Tried it all long ago Thoumsin. No go
You can set the auto installer to check the typical dirs 1st then if it finds the Sins exe it will continue. If not it will bring up a browse button to find the root dir of the game.
Well, maybe something has changed with the new Diplomacy patch.
updateProcessCommandLine "/tools/Update.bat http://www.moddb.com/mods/sins-of-the-fallen"
/tools/Update.bat -> contents
start %1
That said, I'm not real keen on doing this as I don't really like packaging exe's or bat files that could do malicious things. Even starting a unknown website could do bad things to a computer.
Maybe an alternative would be if Ironclad/Stardock changed the Update.bat to accept a stardock forum ID or sub-path only. For example:
updateProcessCommandLine "/tools/Update.bat update"
updateProcessCommandLine "/tools/Update.bat 388917"
Update.bat -> revised contents
if "%1" == "update" (
start https://www.sinsofasolarempire.com/update
) else (
start https://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/%1