You're not being a forum nazi -- you're just being helpful and trying to follow the forum rules, for which I give you karma.
That said: I didn't see any OTHER place to post this discussion -- it's not TECHNICALLY a suggestion for Rebellion, it's more like a discussion designed to reach a consensus on what suggestions to make. 
Regarding the slow economy: I agree.
Call me crazy, but am I the only one who thinks that the Advent's T1 research, 'Knowledge Aggregation' (which improves research speed) should ALSO improve research cost?
I mean, it's T1 and it's cheap, but getting it at T1 isn't worth it because you don't have the economy to back it up (in other words, your income is insufficient to support such rapid research).
Consequently: if it reduced research costs by 5/10/15% (or even 10/20/30%, to keep pace with the speed upgrade), it could be considered a down payment on all future research, making it easier for the Advent to acquire their economic start.
This change alone could speed things up immensely for the Advent. What say you?