First, because by definition you're building so many of them, I hear the stupid "The smaller they are the harder I hit 'em" phrase about three times a minute. Either give an option to turn off ship complete sounds, or make it much less frequent. For that reason alone I wouldn't use them.
Second, they're bad. Real bad. I like how easy they are to kill, it's their damage that needs a boost. Corvettes are fragile weapon platforms, but a whole stack of a 100 seems to do less damage than 4 or 5 wings of bombers would (probably much less, because their attack run time is much longer). If this means the cost of them needs to go up slightly, then so be it. A large speed boost would also be helpful.
Third, corvette's always run into their target, and spend a few seconds sliding off and around it, lowering their on-target time and just looking plain silly. (Engines to ram speed!)
Finally, it's tedious making an effective amount of them, even with shift-click. Perhaps someway to make batches of say, 20-50 of them?