think corvettes should be restricted so they cannot phase travel. System defense ships--light and speedy at the expense of phase drives.
That would be really bad for advent...they finally have a counter to enemy LRF spam...besides it's not like they are any more general-purpose then LRF.
Corvettes really excel at fighting 3 enemies: LRF, light frigates, and capital ships, which particular emphasis on LRF(and to be a theat to a cap ship they need a large swarm of course). They are countered by flak & AoE damage. They also can have difficulty dealing with Carriers as their damage type is less efficient against heavy armor as compared to other frigates(also carriers have a bunch of health and can field 2 fighters, either of which is decent at fighting corvettes).
Also while corvettes deal decent % damage against pretty much everything 150%/125%/100%/100%/75% for light/med/heavy/very heavy/cap ship respectively their armor type take good damage from pretty much every damage type 133% from flak, 25% from bombers/cap ship & 100% from everything else.
Which basically means in terms of damage types corvettes are only actually at an advantage against capitalships, LRFs, bombers and light frigates. Among these thy have a smaller advantage against light frigates.
Now there's definitely something to be said about their mobility, which is why I think fighters are also an underused counter against them(non-flak frigates often have trouble aiming at them). Fighters & corvettes both do 100% damage to eachother, have comparable mobility, but the fighters are more expendable.
Also note some capital-ships actually aren't really countered by corvettes. Any capital ship with AoE falls into this category, as no most carriers(as Is aid fighters fight on even grounds with Corvettes circumventing the capital ship 25% damage to corvettes).
I'm not saying the corvette balance is perfect, merely that there are counters so if we nerf them let's not make it anything too extreme(such as removing their phase engines). One area I for one would like to see them brought down a notch is their damage to structures. Reducing their efficiency against light frigates a bit would also be OK.