@Volt: Nice idea, the main issue with most of the new advent techs is just like advent were before, all the good stuff comes right at the end. There is almost nothing helpful at the lower tech levels...
Someone compared the new TEC Loyalist tech (+armor and damage at own planets) with the comparable stuff advent get and noticed that the same kinds of tech just are further up in the techtrees....
And well, I feel like 5% is really low no matter when in the game. You may be getting permanent control of the ship(s) but there's 5% you get and 95% still enemy ships right next to them. It's not really like you get to have these ships... They'll more likely just be killed by the fleet they were part of.
So either the %chance should be upped
or the ships could be set to self destruct short after arriving with an area damage, which would make fleeing from grav wells with a starbase hurt even more .