Hello Dear Community!
I have a question regarding to the Multiplayer UI. I have played Sins Of A Solar Empire, the original one, and Rebellion is such a cool game. I am still finding it hard to understand "Why isnt there an organized UI". Why isn't there a "Match-Making" system or a "Leaderboard". Rebellion Multiplayer hits about 150+ players once every day, and this number could be higher, if the system would be more organized. This is a topic, asking the devs a favour, could you please do a new Multiplayer UI?
- Match-Making System = This would eliminate any problems regarding Newb Vs. Pro. Also would make it easier for players to find games. Keep the manual selecting as well.
- Replay Watching 2.0 = The other day i was watching a replay, and i couldnt help to notice that there werent any pause or rewind buttons? What kind of replay is this that can only go forward or faster?
- Time In-Game = In the multiplayer, TIME is the essence. Could you please implement a system where you can add a timer in the corner, this would make it easier to play and keep on track with the time, that you are not stalling. You can say that put your clock next to your comp, well thats kind of annoying, isnt it? https://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/429378 (PICTURE)
I find it hard to understand about the marketing of the game. This game has value in multiplayer. It has all the elements for multiplayer. Yes you would argue about the balance of "Random Maps" but this can be eliminated fairly easy. This game could actually reach the 500+ Mark if it had a better system online. Also it would produce more income for the Devs. These are simple elements In My Opinion, that should have been in the game already.
All in all, i like this game, and i like to be competetive in it. I just cant help to notice these problems in my mind that could make the game far better, cooler, more interesting and easier to play. Feel free to post and discuss about this!