but an Vasari loyalist in the same spot just might have a fully upgraded orky at the border.... which makes that gravity well unattackable, too.... until you get reasonable amounts of carriers up.
This isn't even remotely comparable, mainly because you can still amass ships at your border world even if the Orky makes any offensives "impossible"....but with wail, no can do....that wail prevents you from defending your own planets is just asinine...
Just one wail planet isolated from others is not OP, only when multiple wail planets are near each other does it become OP.
Consider two planets next to each other that are held by opposing forces, one AR and one non-AR....if the AR have a high pop planet (ice or better) then what is the non-AR supposed to do? They can't keep their forces at the border world because they'll get wailed (even high pop planets can wipe carriers), which means the AR can attack with absolute impunity...the non-AR can defend with caps and a titan, but SB+caps+titan vs. FULL FLEET (likely with massive bomber spam) is hardly a fair fight and is likely going to result in your caps getting sniped since they don't have support...
Please explain to me how this is not OP....having a high pop planet as a border world is hardly situational, nor is having two opposing fleets neighboring eachother in a stalemate...
The only reason AR aren't banned from MP is because wail is the only thing they have going for them...the eradica is a good titan but it isn't that much better than the other titans (excluding ankylon) which have focus fire abilities or the ability to instant kill infinite frigates...if AR had any other good tricks they'd be just as ridiculous as VL...
wail is not op. most of the time if you get wailed, it is your own fault. All races have so many counters to wail I can't list them all. Tec: Armistice. Advent: radiance detonate Vas: sbs, kosturas All Races: split up fleet, cap ship fleets, titans, planet bombers, and strategic selection of which planets to target.
Is this a fucking troll??? Armistice?? Right, because you can keep up armistice indefinitely real easily....not gonna do jack shit when trying to hold down your own planet bordering an AR ice, desert, or terran for an unknown amount of time...and there's detonate AM, which can't even affect culture centers because they don't have AM...as for the Vasari SBs, I assume you are referring to VR and their jumping orkies which may I remind you are BANNED...
And Goa tries to tell me people aren't trolling...
All these vasari players who are so attack minded don't realize that there are other ways to win. They cry when advent have an ability that actually works against their incredibly cheap tactics and cry foul. As the only race in the game that really can remotely defend against a kostura cannon + insane Vasari bomber fleet, I don't think that it should be wiped from the game because it actually provides much needed balance.
I'm not looking to nerf wail into oblivion...I've advocated having wail affect only the home planet, which still is an immensely powerful ability (but it resolves the overlapping and "I can't defend my own planet?" issues)...I'm also not a vasari whore complaining that I can't rape AR like everyone else...I've played AR more than the other 5 races combined and to this day I still think wail is absolutely ridiculous...yes, if you get wailed it is almost certainly your own fault but an AR eco with wail can be virtually unapproachable until superweapons come into play...at least with dual SBs with RB, you can still protect your own damn planets....