To -Ue_Carbon how can you say that, when the only thing you know is an inch of tekst?
You asked a question, that was my answer.
Now the reasoning behind it:
its based on many different mods, the asgard in star gate races are now mostly alliance. the reapers are origunaly dominion from star gate mod.
Right there it sounds like your using someone elses work, changing 1 or 2 things. In this example the mesh and calling it your own work.
As Goafan said, its really frowned apon to take some elses work and then call it your own.
If you want to use someone else work, You need their permission. Seeing you have not gotten permission from anyone about anything your answer to your question is no.
Private message the makers of your assests get permission, give them proper credit. Cross your T's and dot your I's. Then release your mod.