Indeed, defensive tactics are far better against the ai than spam.
My apologies, I did not read that post.
However, what would happen when the player in the eco spot minidumps and all their resources are given over to the AI, while it would be better long term to have a human doing it, short-term the AI will make a massive fleet really quick and swarm the nearest enemy. If the game is teetering on the edge, the AI's additional forces will crush the opposition and make all the feed in the world meaningless. This is especially true since the ai will likely attack somewhere else than the current frontline, causing the enemy to have to split his fleet, and that would mean there's only one titan and two battles. Not a good fight to be in.
I'm just saying that a hard Ai uinder the right conditions could easily be as effective as a human, if not more so, since the two things the AI does badly (tactics and building an economy), are meaningless since the ai will immediatley make a huge fleet with the eco player's stuff and proceed to attack an enemy that is geared up for defending against a human, not an AI.