Am I able to do that offline? For some reason I'm unable to log into the steam app on my computer, but the website seems fine. I really wish I could play without needing steam, also, I have to restart steam anytime I want to start up a different game, or I get errors. For example, say SoaSE:R minidumps, or crashes out for some reason, as it does for me sometimes. I then have to restart steam in order to restart the game. That goes for any of my other "on steam" games. I should not have to restart the entire program to get one game to work more than once.
Edit:I borked my own login-that's fixed now. Will commence testing asap.
Re-Edit:Testing confirms that DS mod additions are most likely the source of the problem, with the mod disabled, all phase lanes are ingame. Thank you for helping me determine that, but how would I make it work with the mod, considering my friend and I enjoy playing on it? Are there things I can add to GalaxyForge from the alpha version of DS it to make the DS version of the map? (I don't mind having to rebuild it from scratch.)