The end of the article kinda rips Wadhams a new one for being ridiculous. I don't summarily dismiss conspiracies due to the historical evidence that a great many shenanigans have indeed occurred and will in the future, but it's pretty clear that one of the three fell down a flight of stairs all by himself, unless his long term partner killed him. We're way into crazy land if two people had "random accidents" but the third was done in by what's essentially family.
Since they were studying arctic ice, which has been building, well... Wadhams is either unhinged, or really wants attention, possibly both. He's old enough for dementia, not a big stretch.
"Steven Goddard" is a well known kook with no relevant training or credentials. His statements about Venus are laughably false, such that even a small child could debunk them, given the same data. Far from a trustworthy source, except perhaps as a source of unintentional comedy. He's barely a cut above Richard C. Hoagland.
If he has an issue, it's that he's an asshole and simply calls people idiots when they make a post like yours, without explaining why they're idiots. While your post is idiotic, it's something that can be cured. It probably wont be of course, but not for a lack of capacity since you've managed such a complicated task as posting on the internet on multiple occasions.
Steven Goddard has an EE masters and a BS in geology. Many of the "Climate Scientists" are similarly educated in loosely related fields, particularly geology, which covers such things as ice core records directly.
Regardless of his formal education, you've come to the misinformed conclusion that one needs such a thing to ascertain that the thermometers in use were both accurate and properly used in the past. It's not as if mankind has only recently developed the capability to measure the temperature, "Time of Observation Bias" is being thrown around as if it's at all relevant to the hilariously drastic alterations being made.
For some inexplicable reason(I politely say inexplicable, but really it's just because people are fucking stupid and will believe anything) the media has managed to convince a not so insignificant portion of the population that their fathers and grandfathers were simply incapable of using a thermometer, despite these unevolved individuals being trained to do so and making a career of it.
They came up with this magical explanation for why they were adjusting urban heat island warped readings up, and adjusting past readings from properly located stations down. So began "TOB", the tiny fraction of a percent difference in annual temperature that you'd get from occasionally having a significantly hotter day the day before, and getting a higher than actual reading if you were somehow too damned stupid to reset the maximum at some time other than the heat of the day. It still wouldn't take over a degree away from the annual temperatures even if everyone were so blithely ignorant of the operation of their equipment.