Ford, Fisher and Hammil will bring in the Nostalgia factor and put arses in the theater seats.. I think i will enjoy seeing them reunited once again. Tho I wil wait for blueray release..
I stopped watching after Jarjar.. havent seen one since..
I loved the original 3 movies..
I must be one of those weird ones who liked trek and wars.. I really never understood the hate and frustration on either side of the debate.. People abusing each other over a fictional story played out by actors.. go figure..
But then I never could figure out the whole Sports fanatic thing too.. not sure why I'm supposed to feel better than others or empowered if some guy I have never met, prolly never will meet, excels at some physical activity in a way i couldn't in my wildest dream.. while I can appreciate his achievement's I don't get the whole living thru them as if his achievements were my own..