As for a former SoaSE:Rebellion player,
I would like to see some new things in GalCivIII.
-Mobile starports, Like Vasari has. After some loooooong researh we can transport our starport (military starports) moving.
Can move 2 or 3 tiler per turn. Can only attack ships, starports and shipyards.
Can not attack planets.
-Titans, like in Rebellion.
Huge ships that covers 2 or 4 tiles.
-A market would be good.
Only trade minerals, no tech or no money. (1 thulium for 2 elerium for example)
-Transporting ships through shipyards
OK thats how it works. Build a ship at X hipyard. But X shipyard is far from the warzone, u transfer your ship to Y shipyard which is closer to your warzone. It takes 10 turns to move for example but you can teleport it 2 turns.
You can not teleport carriers.
You can not teleport transports, colonizers and builders.
Teleport can cost you some money.
Teleported ships can suffer movement penalty for x turns...
These are some ideas came to my mind. Maybe Stardock puts some of these in the game. Or maybe some modders can use it i dont know. But it would be fun to see them in game.